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23 Million Govt Workers

There are almost 23 million workers on the govt tit, often we look at people on welfare or any kind of govt assistance that they are the burden of our tax dollars but you are sadly mistaken, the true burden on America is the Government.

Do you know what your real debt is?

It’s the elite that benefits most from the govt, be it directly or indirectly and this won’t be my last rant about this kind of shit.

I love the elite politicians that are behind many of these social movements to make things better for the people but shit always seems to get worse, the elite calling out the elite, through smoke and mirrors have us believe they are with us the people while putting us at war with each other, destroying our own lives as they get richer, it’s not a Republican or Democrat thing, it’s an Elite thing.

Both sides are good at convincing the people in their party that they have our back and what’s right for us.

On the whole, most Republican politicians do align with what “we the people” want but do not kid yourself plenty of motherfuckers with an R next to their name could give a fuck about you and me.

We’re kind of like sports fans, if your at an event and your team is playing for something, in those 2-3 hours depending on the sport, the guys in the rich seats are screaming as much as the guys in the cheap seats, while you head to your seats going in the elite are high fiving the common man and visa versa.

That’s us in the Republican party, in the end, we want our team, America to WIN.

Most of the govt is entranced with what else, Ivy League school grads, sure theirs a ton of what we can call blue-collar govt workers, good people not connected to the elite, and I’m sure they would concur that their idiot bosses, all the connected uppity ups couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag,

Let’s put them, the surplus govt workers that are destroying our environment in the unemployment line and to borrow a line from joe idiot ” teach them how to code” so they get good-paying clean jobs in the tech sector.

It’s the government preaching all this bullshit killing blue-collar jobs that have always been the backbone of this country, including for immigrants coming here to get good-paying skill jobs and the dream of owning their own business.

I say you govt workers need to learn some new fucking skills, how about you joe idiot you learn how to code and get a clean job in the tech sector.

We need to fire all these motherfuckers, not going to bore you with the blah blah details but you don’t think it’s 23 million.

Top 10 employers in the USA

#10 Berkshire Hathaway 316 K

#9 Amazon 341 K

#8 Target 347 K

#7 United States Parcel 362 K

#6 Home Depot 371 K

#5 IBM 378 K

#4 Kroger 400 K

#3 McDonald s 420 K

#2 Walmart 1.5 Million

The top 9 employ about 4.5 Million people.

#1 US Govt 23 Million

Let that sink in when you want to talk about the deep state.  They will try to tell you that # is way high trying to put govt workers at 2.7 Million which is a numbers game, they do not want us to know how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Some will also argue that many Walmart workers need assistance with food stamps and other govt services, health care etc because Walmart does not pay its workers a livable wage.

Do you realize how many military and Law Enforcement are also getting assistance with food stamps?  you don’t think so OK.

Isn’t it quite possible the cost of health insurance, medical bills etc are made by lobbyists paying these cheap streetwalker politicians to fuck us and get govt money at the same time?

The USPS has about 500k “career” employees and about 140k “non-career” employees with almost 32k retail stores, since 2007 they lost 71 billion dollars, that’s right 71 billion, maybe I’m off a billion or 2 you know a billion here a billion there who can keep track, and that’s the point.

UPS has 362k workers, you think they lose money?  How the fuck does the USPS almost double the workers than UPS?  How the fuck?

Do you think the #s 2 thru 10, do you think they lost any money let alone 71 Billion that the Post Office alone has lost since 2007?  Can you imagine if just 1 of those or for that matter any company no matter the size operates the way the govt does?

We all know the answer to this question, the doors close company gone, very least all top management gets fired.

The DOD employs 2.8 million people, wiki says the DOD is the largest employer in the world, that is wrong, the US govt is the largest employee in the world again at 23 million with the DOD coming in at 2.8, the post office almost 750k bringing that at what about 3.5 million?

Inside the DOD we have about 1.3 active duty, the men and women protecting the other 319 million of us, more than half the DOD workers are not active duty.  Be nice fire a few million workers and give these guys and gals a nice raise.

So who makes up the other 19.5 million, state governments, they trick you into making you think it is not connected, it is all connected, and this isn’t about some de-fund the police BS if you throw in LE that’s let’s be generous and say 1 million, so now we’re at 18.5 million.

So let me understand something, one of the businesses that the govt runs, the post office continues to lose money, hires more workers lost 71 BILLION since 2017, that’s your money you should be pissed at that.

That douche wants to give 81 billion to Amtrak, it must be nice to have a company like Amtrak that loses money every single year but yet govt welfare bails them out?  Amtrak loses money if it wasn’t for govt welfare Amtrak would be, should be gone the way of the stagecoach, catch up joe idiot.

Can you imagine what 81 billion in the right hands would do to impoverished cities?  No, let us give it to Amtrak that loses money cause the douche bag used to ride it every day, no he’s not a narcissist.

But idiot wants to shut down a business that makes a profit, make something, put people to work, contribute, what the fuck have you ever done dick head except praise racists, you really did let the kkk in the white house with this guy that’s all I’m saying but that’s another rant.

Happy with gas prices today?

Our Govt is the new royal family, the elites that suck the life out of us, many of them are the other 18.5 million getting rich off of the citizens, you woke ass douche-bags you wouldn’t be awake if someone smacked you in the face with a fistful of wokeness.

You think I’m crazy as we look at some of the govt elites that we have allowed to shape our country, almost of all them yes connected to some skull and bones society, not some stupid Hollywood tale, all we need to do is look at their resumes and history to see the connection.

What a lot of the top elite echelon do have ties back to the pilgrims, not America, they were under the crown and so maybe there is some truth to what some might say about the people that first came here, let’s not forget there was a revolution but yes you can not deny the ancient ties to Great Britain and the royals, they figured a new way to tax us.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Anyway, there are about 35k General attorneys that work for the govt with an avg salary of 140k with a yearly budget of 4 billion. 35k in the FBI, wonder where most of them went to school?  We know.

So it’s about 2 million civil servants, almost 8 million contractors, another 3 million that get grants, no I’m not talking about students the kind of grants like to do the research if you get in the head with a bat, 2.5 million grant to do that research LMFAO, no that’s not a real thing but might as well be.

That still leaves us with some unaccounted workers lol, the govt’s job, one of them is confusion.

The US Govt is the biggest Ponzi scheme there is, Bernie Madoff, RIP sucking Satan’s cock, he couldn’t pull off the Ponzi scheme the govt is pulling on us on so many different levels.

The shadow govt that you hear about is what makes up the bloated workforce, how many academia live off the govt tit?  With their wasteful educations never once built anything in their life only tear shit down, we paying them to tell us what to do.

It’s time we tear our govt down, no not Anarchy, though I love me some Anarchy, no it’s time we teach them to code don’t you agree? Let’s make them get real jobs.

The govt is in the business of taxing us that’s how they make most of their money and for who?  Not you and I, it’s for them and only them, not able to get a job in the real world they invented one for their families and friends, its the elite world of the Royal US Govt work and us peons must support them and thank them for fucking us in the ass with a baseball bat.

It’s time we fire a shit load of people. There are 320 million of us and 23 million govt workers, sounds a little elite to me doesn’t it?

I’m not talking about first responders or our men and women in uniform, no I’m talking about the probably 70% of govt workers that couldn’t get a real job or make a buck if it was standing in front of them.

How many of these govt jobs were created by the elite for a family member that couldn’t get a job anywhere else, charity jobs, jobs for those that couldn’t cut in the real world.

We’ve let get too big, it’s time we fire a shit ton of people.

Don’t worry you can learn to code and you get a good-paying clean job in the tech sector and that’s directed at you media fucks who we will get to later.

Wake the fuck up you woke motherfuckers.

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"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus