This tricky dick is another example of white privilege, so again when your mad at white people please look to the likes of him, he’s worth well over 100 million $$
Make sure you check his Wiki page that oozes white privilege, 5 deferments from Vietnam, hmmm sounds like rich white privilege to me, another douche that lied about serving in Vietnam, like he lied about serving in Nam how is he still a Senator?
White privilege that’s how.
Of course the douche is yet another super-rich politician, no here at TWIB were not knocking wealth, were capitalists here at TWIB, were knocking his white privilege elitists douche-bag self.
This douche attended Riverdale in the Bronx, as a former Bronx resident, a white guy mind you, if I and my boys went near riverdale they were calling the cops on us lol.
Of course, Dick graduated from Harvard and Yale.
Tricky Dick married up of course, there seems to be a pattern among career politicians, anyway, he married Cynthia Malkin, no wiki page on her, interesting, she’s another white privileged socialite that knows nothing about the real world, here’s another link.
I love this line from that link,
Cynthia Malkin’s childhood was filled with memories of elegance and class as she grew up in a neighborhood where class matched with class. Cynthia Malkin followed her father’s footstep’s by proceeding to study in the prestigious expensive school of Harvard University.
Her name sound familiar maybe to my NY people that’s because yes she is the daughter of the real estate dude.
Here’s another article from Earn The Necklace decent little article, the problem is most Americans do not know enough about douche-bags like tricky Dick.
Wait for it, Dick met his wife when he was 31 and she was 16, yes that’s right, so sleazy Dick who you know was doing shit in school in Riverdale that you should all be upset about, he set his sights on the young rich girl.
He waited till she was 21 before he married her but………., so what he waited till she was 21 he had his eyes on her when she was 16, he’s a kid toucher I don’t care what anyone says.
Hmm I wonder where the cunt Alysa Millano stands on issues of one of her party’s most powerful and wealthiest senators scooped her up when she was a mere child.
His brother made a fortune, these I think were hedge fund guys and again this dude only spent most of his life on the govt tit after the child molester married into money, this is the elite plan to always get into politics so they can control us coming and going.
He was classmates at Yale with who? You guessed it Bill and Hillary, hmmmm. I mean makes sense this creep is friends with that perv.