Like many of us, I’m shocked by our brothers to the North taking the lead on this one, finally, some of us are doing something.
What if we all just didn’t show up one day? Who saw the day the earth stood still? What did Klaatu do to show the earth the power they had? He stopped everything worldwide right and that made them listen.
We need to have a day like that, a day where we all just do not show up, no phones, no cable, no internet, no tweets, no TikTok, no Facebook, no driving, no working, nothing we need to shut it down for one day.
This is what our brothers, oops, brothers and sisters to the North, you literal motherfuckers that do not understand what literal is.
Anywho as foreign as these words are to me, GO CANADA, let’s hope this spreads like wildfire through the USA.
When douches like Trudeau talk about white privilege, does it shock anyone else that he’s nose deaf?
How does this guy become the leader of Canada? Wait who are we to talk we have cornpop, when we clean up our mess then we can point the finger.
His own words the other day, it’s ok to protest if he agrees with it, that’s the whole point of protesting douchebag. Because they do not agree with it.
We need to call out shit like this to understand why people like him think the way they do, we must study the enemy. Do you know who his father is?
Pierre Trudeau now we’re talking real white privilege, read his wiki, when he was 46 married an 18-year-old Margaret Joan Sinclair, this is the exact white liberal woman Malcolm X spoke about, please peruse the wiki, see the privilege ooz off the screen, check his mother’s father, these are dictionary definitions of white privilege. Trudeau’s dad was the former PM btw. See how these elites from father to son hand it down, it never ends.
Are we that fucking stupid, yes his dad is really Fidel Castro, this is the fucked up liberal parents he had, not making excuses for the Canadian douche, we can not even begin to understand how elites fuck their kids up, I do not feel sorry for them I’m just saying.
Justin’s parents were married in March 1971 much to the surprise of everyone, the 2 were seen together at least a year before they were married, Canda douche was born Dec 25th, 1971, she was preggers before they married, no biggie that’s not the scandal, the scandal is his dad is Fidel, just look at that picture.
Of course, he’s scared of the blue color working man, this motherfucker looks down his nose at the blue color working man, the working man is there only to clean his septic, serve him food.
You know who defeated the English in the American Revolution, blue-collar workers, the elite have always been scared of the salt of the earth.
As usual, the liberal playbook is to say they are racists, insurrectionists, seditionist, and every other fucking ists they can find, this douche has said the truckers were what, locking up the city or some nonsense, what the fuck have him and his fellow elite leaders done to us worldwide the past going on three fucking years now.
“They do not deserve to be harassed in their own neighborhoods” what the fuck have they been doing. They have harassed us in our neighborhoods closing businesses, mandates, they shut the parks down do not forget that. Trudeau also said on Monday that the citizens do not need to jeer at. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK YOU CALL US NAMES ALL DAY EVERY DAY SINCE THIS STARTED.
So he wants the truckers to go home so he can lock up the city with covid mandates again? Are we even listening to this nonsense?
Lets the hope the freedom convoy leads to an American Spring.
Don’t forget the king of England called us terrorists, man don’t ever fucking forget that the British royalty, the crown looked at us like terrorists, insurrectionists, seditionists, because we were tired of their shit.
Every dictator calls us terrorists, insurrectionists, seditionists, white supremacists, every fucking name they can throw at us once we start questioning them its the first page in the play book.